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PSI & PSI360 Brochure

PSI Indicator Program

Elevating Team Performance with Psychological Safety & Inclusivity

Psychological Safety

Start the process of incorporating the PSI Program into your organisation today!

So how do we grow psychological safety?

First, we need to MEASURE it

PSI Program

The PSI Program leverages a market-leading diagnostic tool that measures an individual’s sense of psychological safety and inclusivity within their team, easily, anonymously and confidentially.

This allows leaders to understand and benchmark the psychological safety and risk profile of their organisation at any moment in time.

The PSI program is proven to create inclusive cultures by utilising neuropsychology to foster a climate where people are comfortable expressing and being themselves. In doing so, leaders can improve inter-department relationships, enhance performance, attract talent and retain staff.

There are 3 key components to a PSI Program Cycle

  1. 1.Pulse Check: to regularly get feedback
  2. 2.Interactive Dashboards: to present to the organisation to identify opportunities and focus areas in the feedback.
  3. 3.Member Portal with Microlearning Modules: for employees, to monitor the team result and participate in microlearning based on neuropsychology principles to improve psych safety at the front line.

Expand each of the following sections to find out more about each component of the cycle.

"I have noticed an improvement in the way in which we collaborate, innovate, and learn from each other with this enhanced team trust and cohesion.
I feel that this has helped lead to better communication, decision-making and overall team effectiveness.”

CEO testimony | PSI Program Participant, 2023.

Lift leaders' ability to create safe and inclusive teams

About Us |

Your trusted source for 360-degree leadership feedback, staff engagement, culture and capability assessments. seek to empower all industries with the insights needed to overcome challenges and thrive, one organisation at a time.

DDI’s solutions provide comprehensive insights that allow decision makers to act from a place of informed awareness. They highlight the gaps, blind spots, and limiting beliefs that hinder performance, and illuminate the strengths, opportunities and levers for change that facilitate great leadership, culture and safety performance.

The DDI team work with a broad range of organisations and governments across Australia and have continued to evolve their market-leading diagnostics and reports to enhance performance and outcomes.

Our vision is:

"A world of thriving organisations"

You've made it this far, so we're confident you're keen. Go ahead, use the button below to start your company's journey to elevating productivity and reducing risk through safe, inclusive teams today!